First and foremost, I am a husband and father of 2 tweenage and primary school age children of mixed ethnicity. As a family we've agreed there are many values dear to us, our top 5 of these include love, celebrating difference, life learning, creativity and adventure.
As a professional I aim to exceed expectations one client at a time!
I am honoured to have found my highest purpose, thus far, as a certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner and now Trainer. Being part of the global Havening Trainer team is very special. It complements over a decade of coaching, NLP and training and as well as qualified social work, specialising in mental health and professional leadership.
Since 1998, I have worked with a variety of personal and business clients dealing with the simple to the complex range of circumstances, social and health conditions. This has given me a unique wealth of experience and confidence when working across a variety of workplace environments, social complexity, limiting beliefs and ‘dis-ease’.
I have used Havening Techniques® to help people lift or alleviate the following conditions, leaving them feeling happier, ‘lighter’ and with greater wellbeing: insomnia, persistent worry, disturbing night terrors, severe hayfever, social anxiety, early childhood trauma causing relationship issues, severe anxiety due to historical domestic violence, weight loss issues, chronic pain due to serious accidents, bereavement/grieving, foggy thinking, boss anxiety, alcohol use, depressive symptoms, sibling rivalry, autoimmune symptoms. suicide ideation, fear of cancer treatment.
All of these conditions and many more are the bodies normal but uncomfortable response to unresolved emotional trauma that has happened at any time in our lives - havening helps to delink the emotional aspect of the traumatic memory and therefore reducing/removing such symptoms.