Together we use Havening Techniques and Neuro Linguistic Programming tools to help you discover strengths and resources that were previously hidden from view or limited so that you can be more of the person you want/wish to be.
Perhaps you’ve held the belief that you lack confidence generally or in a particular activity, well now you can challenge that belief and develop strategies to help you become more confident more of the time.
Perhaps your voice has been minimised in a relationship, well now you can start making clearer more informed choices and develop the confidence to speak up more, to get more of what you want in the relationship, or move on.
Perhaps you’ve been playing it small in life, work or school/college due to fear of being judged, or something else, well now you can let go of that and develop strategies that help you do more of what you want/wish to do.
Together we work to develop better strategies that work FOR YOU, for your life, relationships, work or education.