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Quantum Soup: the role of phosphate in Havening

Writer's picture: turnoveranewleafturnoveranewleaf

Updated: Jan 31

You are inseparably part of the cosmic quantum soup Deepak Chopra
You are inseparably part of the cosmic quantum soup Deepak Chopra

As a Havening Practitioner and Trainer I find this article very interesting. It has led to some observations and questions ...

For those who don’t have Apple News or don’t have time to read it, I do a summary below…

The article talks about discovery of a 1 ft deep x 1000m wide soda lake in Canada which contains the highest amount of phosphate of any lake found in the world. Apparently there is a very high chance that this lake, due to its high concentration of phosphate, provides an environment that is not dissimilar to the place where life is likely to have started on earth, 4 billion years ago, what many refer to as the quantum soup where life is said to have begun after the Big Bang.

Phosphate, the article states, is a core ingredient for life creation. It also has a important part to play in Havening.

As Havening practitioners, we are aware that phosphate is a core ingredient for locking in the trauma loop for survival purposes. It is known to us as, rather like a biological superglue that our brain automatically uses to permanently bind ampa receptors to the surface of neurons when an encoded trauma happens at 100htz (known as gamma brain wave).

At this moment our brain is being encoded with multiple data points related to the danger situation and we are being hard wired with a warning sign. This is so that we can unconsciously react 4 x faster, than our conscious mind can react, when there are signs of this danger happening again in the future. The aim in responding super fast is so that we can fight off the danger, run like hell or freeze with the hope it will soon pass (fight, flight, freeze).

Even when our conscious mind does not perceive any danger, our amygdala may do, causing trauma related symptoms to fire off, useful biological data, by way of stress reactions in the mind and body ie heart racing, anxious emotions, negative thoughts and head aches. Our unconscious mind is consistently seeking out signs for the danger sometime 2+2 = 5 or 1+3 = 2. Over time our mind and body’s batteries are worn down, due to excessive over use, it's wearing, and can inevitabley take a toll on our emotional, mental and physical health over time.

The objective of Havening is to remove the phosphate/biological super glue (known as dephosphoralisation) that are binding the ampa receptors to the surface of the cell. By doing so we are able to delink the survival response from the memory of the event, helping to finally let that old memory rest peacefully in long term memory.

This is, in part, made possible through the use of Havening Touch, which generates high concentrations of delta waves plus feel good neurochemicals that send toxic stress chemicals away. The internal conditions are changed to a high state of neuro-biological safety, which enables the biological superglue (phosphate) to be broken down. Rather like when a battery is taken out of a torch, the light cannot function, when the electrical loop is disconnected the light can no longer be activated; similarly by removing the binding agent (phosphate) the trauma related electrochemical loop breaks down and the uncomfortable survival responses/e-motions are no longer activated.

So does it follow then that that stress conditions were required, in the lake, for phosphate to act as a super glue to bind different ingredients together? Was it necessary for high level stress (gamma 100htz) conditions in the lake, 4 billon years ago, that enabled the phosphate to bind multiple agents together, in order to create life? If the answer is yes then it makes sense that we are hardwired for survival, as life was first created in survival conditions.

It is interesting then that life was created with an off switch on the survival mechanism, or at least a volume switch. Our survival mode is operated through our autonomic nervous system. the hardwired aim of this system is survival, which is in part an involuntary process. We are also hardwired for Homeostasis, that is a feature that helps us maintain balance in any given situation. This helps us adapt to any environment we are in and it knows that too much survival mode isn't good for us. Excessive survival mode generates stress chemicals that when used too much for too long causes high toxicity in our system. This can make it difficult to maintain homeostasis, which increases the propensity for encoded traumas and excessive use of phosphate. The system just adds more and more phosphate strengthening the trauma loops.

We would all benefit by using active strategies to helps us turn down the volume on the survival mode. To engage rest and recovery mode. Havening is a unique technique that helps with this. Havening helps to remove phosphate, which makes it possible to break down trauma related electro chemical loops and improve our responses to stress, thereby enhancing our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

It is ironic that by removal of the phosphate, we are able to let go of encoded trauma's and reduce our amygdala's strong hold over our experience of life (survival mode) and instead empower our executive mind, in favour of greater levels of choice, creativity and control of our lives and how we experience life and wellbeing (thriving mode) ...

Thus increasing our potential to go from surviving to thriving mode ...

While phosphate may have contributed to giving birth to creation of life 4 billion years ago, letting go of phosphate, through Havening, can help us to give birth to a more empowered and creative version of ourselves.

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