We are delivering, to Social Workers, this free workshop sponsored by Hays Social Care Recruitment.
In this workshop we talk about 2 highly effective and researched techniques for building resilience.
First we explain the WHAT of Letting-go: what personal resilience is in light of 3 other types of resilience; the different types of stress along the stress spectrum; and how toxic stress can build up across the nervous system making us vulnerable to different types of stress related ill health and burnout over time. How certain types of personality styles and ways of thinking are more or less vulnerable to trauma and stress related ill-health compared to others. We cite research on this.
Then we talk about the WHY of Letting-go. One part of that is if we do not let-go stress toxins become like elephant on our back which we don't notice is there and the weight of it over time strains our nervous system. Our system is designed to adapt so we don't tend to notice the 'allostatic [toxic] load' building up which can become a danger to us if we don't take proper rest and recovery.
We move onto the HOW of Letting-go using the power of human touch Havening Techniques®. An easy to use tool for self healing. Find out how negative stress lays the foundation for trauma and vicarious trauma which lays the foundation for burnout. Use our EMLI tool to assess if you have encoded trauma underlying your stress patterns. Find out how Havening can help to remove the encoded trauma and build an emotionally resilient landscape in the mind to reduce stress related ill-health symptoms, like heart and gut problems.
The second resilience building tool we bring in are breathing techniques to help release tension, to bring in more oxygen at a time when our oxygen levels are depleted, due to high stress, and to embody the good work we have done at the brain level using Havening.
Learning outcomes:
How to create calm in the brain and nervous system, build emotional resilience and improve workplace performance.
The stress spectrum from stress to distress and onto encoded trauma and what specifically increases our propensity for emotional, mental and physical ill health
The 4 conditions that create ‘encoded’ trauma and contribute to burnout and why its imperative that we declutter our mind.
A deeper introduction to Havening Techniques® and breath work and the neuroscience underpinning them
Find out how you can quickly reduce in-moment mental stress through control of the breath.
For those attending the workshop you will be able to return here after the workshop and access a private learning resource area using the password provided. Once you are given the password click on this link to access and download:
the slides/workshop workbook
LEAF Journal Letting-go Action Tool
Self-diagnostic encoded trauma tool.
Your CPD certificate
If using self diagnostic tool you identify one or more events that includes all 4 requirements for traumatisation then its possible you have an 'encoded trauma' which could be making you vulnerable to negative stress, vicarious trauma and burnout. Havening is particularly effective at helping to remove encoded trauma's, and we explained how this works in the workshop.
By attending this workshop you will also get a free follow one to one call with one of the trainers. In the private access area, you can click on the button 'book your free one to one call'
If you have enjoyed this workshop, you can find out more and extend your Havening learning develop a practice of a range of Self Havening techniques. You will be given a procedure to follow called 'CPR for the Amygdala'. Click here to find out more and join our Self Havening Workshop.
We are also developing a mobile app called the L.E.A.F. app, which you will be able to benefit from in due course.
If you would like to discuss further you can email us for more information and request a free follow up one to one call with one of the trainers.