We write so much at work or for education or career learning but when it comes to writing about our life, about me, so many of us seem to have less or no time at all for that. Yet are we not the most important person in our world? What we say, do, think and believe has an impact on our results. If we became more self aware of these it has the potential to improve our lives and the lives of others.
I’ve been writing a journal off and on for many years and to begin with this was mostly when things weren’t going well in my life and over time this has become something that I do in relation to moving my life and career forward even when things are going well. Mostly its about progressing my meaningful passions and joy and minimising my pains. Its also about measuring the gap between where I am now and where I want to be.
Journal writing has been described in many different ways and I like the quote 'Journal writing is like a voyage into the interior (Christina Baldwin)
What does Neuroscience tell us?
A study by UCLA in 2007 found that when people think of a negative emotion it has a corresponding quietening impact on the amygdala (where trauma memory and survival emotions are stored) which then has a corresponding impact on a part of the brain called the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, located behind the forehead and eyes, which has been associated with thinking in words about emotional experiences. It has also been implicated in inhibiting behavior and processing emotions.
Matthew D.Lieberman, UCLA associate professor of psychology and a founder of socialcognitive neuroscience, commented that "When you attach the word 'angry,' you see a decreased response in the amygdala," said Lieberman, lead author of the study, which appears in the current issue of the journal Psychological Science.
What does quantum physics tell us?
Quantum Journaling helps us to reflect on the invisible energy connections between us the people and systems around us. When we observe ourselves through journaling it naturally becomes a change agent for our lives.
Quantum physics is important because it describes the behavior of particles on a microscopic scale. On this level, they talk about atomic and subatomic particles.
Historically, physical objects that we see around us are governed by classical mechanics, which is based on Newton's laws of motion. However, while classical mechanics can describe the motion of physical objects we now know, thanks to Quantum Scientists study of atomic and subatomic particles, it is not the full picture.
In quantum mechanics, every object is considered to have a dual nature. This means that every object is a particle as well as a wave. In the case of everyday objects (including us), this wave nature is too small to be observed physically but nonetheless it is there.
Quantum journaling is about connecting with the part of us that is a wave. It is about recognizing that we are part of wider a complex system, the energy waves of which impact on our lives and our work. When we build positive energy and emotions (consciously) within us it has an impact on our own wave like form which has corresponding positive impacts on our lives and career.
Quantum physicists have found that when they observe the particle in an experiment it changes it changes the way the wave present itself . So it follows that when we observe ourselves (being both particle and wave) through journaling it naturally becomes a change agent for our lives.
What does spirituality tells us?
A spiritual journal is a great way to track how you are growing spiritually. This type of journal is different from the traditional journal or diary in that it focuses in and on your spiritual self. A spiritual journal can aid you in becoming who you wish to be.
When I say spiritual hear I mean in the loose term. For many of course the term spiritual tends to means being connected to and growing with God in some way. But it also means feeling a great sense of connection to something bigger than us that roots us into a wider sense of purpose and meaning. It could be connection to an inspiring community, group of people, leader or big idea. It helps to drive a sense of belonging to that. Faith is an underpinning of spirituality giving rise to the capacity for something or someone to improve in some way which helps to drive creativity to that end. All of which are fundamental human needs.
It involves asking a series of useful and purposeful questions within the journal writing that engage with these needs.
What does Havening tell us?
Havening is about letting go of unwanted emotions and growing positive emotions within us. When we do this it changes the way we see the world. It changes the internal filters so that we receive and interpret the world more positively. Resulting in a corresponding positive impact on our resilience, health, wellness and wellbeing.
Havening Journaling integrates all the reasons above to do journaling. Our behaviour, habits, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, values and emotions are all linked. These have an impact on our resilience, health and wellbeing too. There is no thought without some degree of emotion and visa versa.
So when we observe our emotions, behaviours, thoughts and health symptoms we are observing a connected system which is made up of multiple particles within us which create a wave like pattern, which has an impact on our inner and outer world. By observing ourselves through journaling it gives us an opportunity to observe any unwanted emotions that could be a binding ingredient for unwanted outcomes in our resilience, health and wellbeing. We then use Havening to let-go of those emotions with the objective to positively impact on our inner world and outer world.
Written by Jan Carpenter
Founder of Turn Over a New LEAF